Gardens, Uncategorized

Climate responsive rain gardens

Cities and especially inner-city spaces offer a variety of materials, spaces and atmospheres. The element of water plays an essential role in this. Because the history of public space is also a history of water and its use or architectural setting (Source: ISG Magazine, Issue 04-2020) In the ARGE KlimaReaktiveRegenGärten an interdisciplinary team is comprehensively working on this topic in research and practical application projects: Dr Marie-Therese Fallast, BSc. Cert.LA (Office PLANUM) Dipl.Ing.Dr. Gerald Krebs (Institute of Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering, Graz University of Technology) Dipl.Ing. Dr. Sanela Pansinger (Office ADASCA) Dipl.Ing. Andreas Zobl and Martin Moser (quadratic company)

Questions to Dr. Marie-Therese Fallast