10 years of PLANUM in Klagenfurt!
10.02.2025PLANUM has now been successfully represented with its location in Klagenfurt for 10 years. The Carinthian Chamber of Commerce honored PLANUM Fallast &...

Successful completion of CAFT24
24.01.2025After two intensive and challenging years, the project “CAFT24 – roadside transalpine freight transport survey” commissioned by the ...

PLANUM Fallast & Partner wish you happy holidays!
20.12.2024The holidays are just around the corner: a time to pause, take a deep breath and celebrate the joint successes of the year. PLANUM would like to take ...

Mini traffic circle in Braunau has proven its worth
18.12.2024As part of a traffic study for the municipality of Braunau am Inn, the Raitfeldstraße – Erlachweg junction was redesigned by PLANUM. With the su...

The “SMAC” research project has started!
11.12.2024The FFG project SMAC “Sustainable Mobilityfor Airport Connectivity” addresses the current challenges in the pre- and post-carriage of airp...

Conclusion KaasA.Ast!
06.12.2024Last week we successfully completed the FFG project KASSA.AST. This research project was dedicated to cooperative automated shared servicesat highwayj...

Fiber optic expansion with ÖGIG + MSM
02.12.2024The Austrian fiber optic infrastructure company öGIG provides large areas of Austria with state-of-the-art infrastructure for fast and reliable broadb...

The cycling campaign for the GU6 communities continues
27.11.2024The planning of a cross-municipal cycling concept for the GU6 municipalities began in May 2021. Since then, workshops have been held and the final con...

The accompanying road to the B64 in St. Ruprecht
22.11.2024The Gleisdorf to Weiz link is already largely designated as a highway. However, a corresponding network of accompanying paths for non-motorized traffi...

Start for INKOMOB!
18.11.2024Our research project InKoMob (“Inter-municipal cooperationto promote sustainable mobility patterns“) was launched in September.The potenti...

The micro public transport strategy for Carinthia is here!
18.10.2024In September 2024, the state of Carinthia published the action guideline: “Flexible mobility in urban and rural areas: a micro-public transport ...

Home stretch for the “CAFT24” project
14.10.2024After a challenging but nevertheless very positive first half of the year, we are all the more pleased that the third quarter of our heartfelt project...

PLANUM at the MBA Sustainable Mobility of the TU Berlin
24.06.2024Last week, PLANUM, represented by our Vienna office manager Julian Kundegraber, had the pleasure of holding a stimulating and in-depth discussion with...

Laakirchen 2024 mobility concept
21.06.2024Pioneering mobility solutions for LaakirchenThe town of Laakirchen commissioned PLANUM Fallast & Partner GmbH to draw up an integrated mobility co...

Stanz/Mürztal through road
11.04.2024The construction of a meeting zone is planned in the center of Stanz im Mürztal. This will revitalize the town center and allow motor vehicles, pedest...