Mobility concept ZKW Wieselburg
ZKW Lichtsysteme GmbH is a specialist for innovative premium lighting systems and electronics, which provides jobs for around 3,000 employees at its headquarters in Wieselburg. The planned expansion of the company on the area of the employee parking spaces is taken as an opportunity to implement a holistic mobility concept so that the accessibility of the company can be ensured in the future. In addition to motor vehicle traffic, all options for other forms of mobility are considered for handling commuter and business-related trips.
The following forms of mobility are being assessed:
- Active forms of mobility (on foot and by bicycle)
- Public transport (bus and train)
- Multimodality (e.g. public transport-bicycle/foot, car-public transport)
- Company transport (e.g. shuttle bus, minibuses)
In addition to measures relating to the various forms of mobility, other organizational measures, such as flexible forms of work (e.g. home office) or incentive systems for employees, are also being examined. Close cooperation with the municipality of Wieselburg enables effective solutions to be developed beyond the boundaries of the company.