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The M+S Maschinen und Stahl Holding site in Raaba-Grambach near Graz is home to several companies, including AVI, EVG Entwicklungs- und Verwertungsgesellschaft, H+S Zauntechnik and a production site of BSTG Drahtwaren Produktions- und Handels GmbH.

PLANUM contributes to the optimization of traffic flow and traffic safety on the site. As part of a comprehensive analysis of the current situation, the current traffic situation for all modes of transport was examined, junction flow surveys were carried out and the companies were asked about their operational needs.

In dialog with the companies, measures were developed which, on the one hand, respond to the traffic demand of the companies and, on the other hand, take into account the efficiency and basic requirements of the public road space.

Five variants with different implementation periods were developed in order to find an efficient and future-proof solution for the location. The aim is to create a sustainable, efficient and safe transport infrastructure that meets the requirements of local companies and makes them future-proof.



Home, Mobility, Survey

After two intensive and challenging years, the project “CAFT24 – roadside transalpine freight transport survey” commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology was completed with great success.

Thanks to the tireless efforts of our dedicated employees, who maintained their focus on recording the trucks in all weather conditions, all targets and objectives at the 17 survey cross-sections distributed throughout Austria were not only met in all four quarters, but even exceeded.

The diverse composition of our survey team is particularly pleasing, with everyone from students to retirees working for PLANUM. Regardless of age and gender, an impressive 56,000 interviews were conducted – remarkably 65% of them by employees over the age of 50.

A big thank you to all those involved, whose motivated commitment contributed significantly to the success of this project and to the acquisition of important planning-relevant data!

Patrick Stern,
Julian Kundegraber,


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As part of a traffic study for the municipality of Braunau am Inn, the Raitfeldstraße – Erlachweg junction was redesigned by PLANUM. With the support of the Province of Upper Austria and the Braunau am Inn traffic and planning committee, a mini-roundabout variant was developed.
In addition to smaller traffic circles, mini-roundabouts have also been increasingly used in other European countries in recent years, starting in Great Britain. The construction costs and the space required for such systems are low: the outer diameter is less than 26 meters. However, in order to ensure full accessibility for all permitted vehicles on the road, the central island is designed in such a way that heavy vehicles can at least drive over it slowly without any problems.

The mini-roundabout has now been successfully in operation for over a year and has been well received by road users.

Ing. Almir Mujanic,
Anna-Sophie Klamminger, Msc,


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The FFG project SMAC “Sustainable Mobilityfor Airport Connectivity” addresses the current challenges in the pre- and post-carriage of airport transportation. This is currently dominated by motorized private transport, which results in congestion and considerable environmental pollution due to emissions.

Our research team specifically analyzes the pre- and post-carriage of long-haul flights with the aim of developing environmentally friendly and demand-oriented transport solutions. The possibility of shifting from motorized private transport to public transport or other innovative transport solutions is also being investigated.
In addition, we conduct a comprehensive survey to ascertain the travel experiences, needs and transport behavior of airport passengers. This valuable data serves as the basis for the development of new concepts and services designed to make the pre- and post-carriage by public transport more attractive. With the help of a simulation and evaluation of the proposed measures, a quick assessment tool is being developed to support and optimize decision-making in the planning phase.

Thanks to the sound data basis from the predecessor project “Airbility”, the launch of “SMAC” in October went smoothly.

We are looking forward to the exciting cooperation with
Austrian Institut of Technology GmbH (AIT),
FH Joanneum,
BRIMATECH Services Gmbh
and are taking over the consortium leadership in this project.

Our project page on LinkedIn provides information on the current project status and can be accessed via the following link:
Queries: Dipl.-Ing. Patrick Stern,


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Last week we successfully completed the FFG project KASSA.AST.

This research project was dedicated to cooperative automated shared servicesat highwayjunctions. The focus was on the mobility node between the high-level highway network and the urban or rural multimodal fine distribution. As part of this project, PLANUM designed a traffic concept for a multimodal hub. Sustainable and automated mobility and sharing services are strengthened and an attractive design concept makes it easier to switch from cars to environmentally friendly means of transport.

Thank you for the successful cooperation with Verkehrsverbund Kärnten (VKG), the City of Klagenfurt, Klagenfurt Mobil (KMG), the State of Carinthia, JOANNEUM RESEARCH (JR), ALP.Lab, Tech Meets Legal, AIT and SURAAA. We look forward to continuing these partnerships in future projects.

Queries: Konstantin Mizera,


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The Austrian fiber optic infrastructure company öGIG provides large areas of Austria with state-of-the-art infrastructure for fast and reliable broadband Internet access by building fiber optic networks, particularly in rural and suburban regions. In Styria, this is being done in cooperation with PLANUM, and cooperation is also planned in Burgenland and Carinthia.

The ground-breaking ceremony with the district head of St. Peter, ÖGIG and MSM will take place on 18.10.2024. öFIBER stands for reliable and high-performance Internet, which will be made possible with PLANUM in various locations. (see illustration)

Ing. Almir Mujanic,


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The planning of a cross-municipal cycling concept for the GU6 municipalities began in May 2021. Since then, workshops have been held and the final concept has been developed intensively with the municipalities of Feldkirchen bei Graz, Karlsdorf, Werndorf, Wundschuh, Premstätten and Seierberg-Pirka.

Following the decision in principle in August 2024, the Styrian state government released the funds for implementation. Around 13 million euros are to be invested by 2026 to improve everyday cycling, and the first steps towards implementation have already been taken. PLANUM is working together with the market town of Feldkirchen bei Graz on the cycle paths agreed in the concept.

In addition to the structural measures, further investment is also being made in the guidance system, cycle parking facilities and awareness-raising.

The planned cycle routes and the locations of new cycle parking facilities are shown in the general overview.


Dipl.- Ing. Patrick Stern,


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The Gleisdorf to Weiz link is already largely designated as a highway. However, a corresponding network of accompanying paths for non-motorized traffic is still lacking. PLANUM demonstrates the technical feasibility of the accompanying route network. The various framework conditions are also taken into account. These include the future residential and commercial development south of the B64. The accompanying road will be built with a cross-section width of 5.75 m and designed for a traffic speed of 50 km/h during the day and 30 km/h at night. A 2 m wide sidewalk will also be built parallel to it.

Ing. Almir Mujanic,

The collage is based on a screenshot from GoogleMaps 2024


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Our research project InKoMob (“Inter-municipal cooperationto promote sustainable mobility patterns“) was launched in September.

The potential for promoting sustainable mobility patterns through inter-municipal cooperation to ensure regional mobility provision is being investigated. Additions to the service and accompanying measures should enable disadvantaged user groups to participate better in mobility.

The project places a strong focus on involving regional stakeholders and the population in order to develop optimized packages of services and measures for them. To this end, we are holding several stakeholder workshops and talking to those involved.

The main task of INKOMOB is to develop a guideline and criteria catalog for municipalities. The collected knowledge on inter-municipal mobility provision is bundled and serves as a basis for transferring the findings to other regions.

The research project team is made up of:

  • Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (AIT) as consortium leader

  • PLANUM Fallast & Partner GmbH

  • Verkehrsverbund Kärnten GmbH

  • Klagenfurt Mobil GmbH

  • International Project Management Agency Klagenfurt on Lake Wörthersee (IPAK) GmbH

We look forward to a productive collaboration and expect exciting results to promote even more sustainable mobility patterns in the future.

Anna-Sophie Klamminger, MSc,
Dr. Kurt Fallast,
Dipl.-Ing. Katja Schmidt-Hengst,

Image source: Verkehrsverbund Kärnten GmbH



A1 lays over 4,000 km of fiber optic cable in Austria every year. So that you can work efficiently, surf super-fast and stream videos in a relaxed manner.
PLANUM worked together with A1 and Artemis this year and helped drive forward the fiber optic expansion in Sankt Barbara im Mürztal and in the market town of Feldkirchen near Graz.

Queries: Ing. Almir Mujanic,