Home, Mobility, Survey

Home stretch for the “CAFT24” project

After a challenging but nevertheless very positive first half of the year, we are all the more pleased that the third quarter of our heartfelt project “CAFT 24 – roadside transalpine freight transport survey”, which we are carrying out on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, has been an even greater success!

Despite one of the hottest summers on record, our exceptionally motivated and heat-resistant surveyors were able to complete the required number of interviews at all 17 survey cross-sections between Vorarlberg and Burgenland in record time. Thanks to this very large and widely distributed sample, which covers freeway border crossings at only 130 meters above sea level and Alpine passes at 1600 meters above sea level, PLANUM was able to collect valuable qualitative and quantitative data on (transit) traffic on Austria’s roads.

To celebrate a successful six months, we met up all over Austria and were able to enjoy a wonderful time together off the road.

Many thanks to all those involved, who have already entered the 4th and final round with unchanged commitment!