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The planning of a cross-municipal cycling concept for the GU6 municipalities began in May 2021. Since then, workshops have been held and the final concept has been developed intensively with the municipalities of Feldkirchen bei Graz, Karlsdorf, Werndorf, Wundschuh, Premstätten and Seierberg-Pirka.

Following the decision in principle in August 2024, the Styrian state government released the funds for implementation. Around 13 million euros are to be invested by 2026 to improve everyday cycling, and the first steps towards implementation have already been taken. PLANUM is working together with the market town of Feldkirchen bei Graz on the cycle paths agreed in the concept.

In addition to the structural measures, further investment is also being made in the guidance system, cycle parking facilities and awareness-raising.

The planned cycle routes and the locations of new cycle parking facilities are shown in the general overview.


Dipl.- Ing. Patrick Stern,


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The Gleisdorf to Weiz link is already largely designated as a highway. However, a corresponding network of accompanying paths for non-motorized traffic is still lacking. PLANUM demonstrates the technical feasibility of the accompanying route network. The various framework conditions are also taken into account. These include the future residential and commercial development south of the B64. The accompanying road will be built with a cross-section width of 5.75 m and designed for a traffic speed of 50 km/h during the day and 30 km/h at night. A 2 m wide sidewalk will also be built parallel to it.

Ing. Almir Mujanic,

The collage is based on a screenshot from GoogleMaps 2024



Our research project InKoMob (“Inter-municipal cooperationto promote sustainable mobility patterns“) was launched in September.

The potential for promoting sustainable mobility patterns through inter-municipal cooperation to ensure regional mobility provision is being investigated. Additions to the service and accompanying measures should enable disadvantaged user groups to participate better in mobility.

The project places a strong focus on involving regional stakeholders and the population in order to develop optimized packages of services and measures for them. To this end, we are holding several stakeholder workshops and talking to those involved.

The main task of INKOMOB is to develop a guideline and criteria catalog for municipalities. The collected knowledge on inter-municipal mobility provision is bundled and serves as a basis for transferring the findings to other regions.

The research project team is made up of:

  • Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (AIT) as consortium leader

  • PLANUM Fallast & Partner GmbH

  • Verkehrsverbund Kärnten GmbH

  • Klagenfurt Mobil GmbH

  • International Project Management Agency Klagenfurt on Lake Wörthersee (IPAK) GmbH

We look forward to a productive collaboration and expect exciting results to promote even more sustainable mobility patterns in the future.

Anna-Sophie Klamminger, MSc,
Dr. Kurt Fallast,
Dipl.-Ing. Katja Schmidt-Hengst,

Image source: Verkehrsverbund Kärnten GmbH