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The regional cycling concept GU-Süd was presented during a cycling tour to Gössendorf on September 19 and at the final workshop in Hart near Graz on September 22. The PLANUM office has designed a network of cycle paths for the six partner communities Fernitz-Mellach, Hausmannstätten, Gössendorf, Hart bei Graz, Raaba-Grambach and Vasoldsberg, which has a length of 24km for the main cycle routes alone. The state of Styria is contributing 70 percent of the required investment of around 10 million euros.


Steirische Verkehrsplaner haben die Chance des CoV-Lockdowns ungenutzt verstreichen lassen

45,000 cars a day on the Bahnhofgürtel, 30,000 vehicles on the Glacis along the Graz Stadtpark, traffic jams not only at peak times: Mobility planner Kurt Fallast speaks of a missed opportunity after the lockdown.

“Restart should have been tried differently”.

Car traffic would not have had to be brought back up everywhere and some streets could have been used differently: “The upswing and the new start could have been tried differently. On Murkai as such, for example, from the Kunsthaus to Mariahilferplatz and the connection to the other side of the Mur – there I have the Kunsthauskaffee, which I can extend to the Mur, the Tribecca as well. Where the car goes, public life, pedestrians, cyclists, shopping, strolling should move in.”

Unbundle peak times

But the alternative use of traffic areas still doesn’t solve the general problem of congestion at peak times, says Kurt Fallast: “If I make the working hours and start times of schools more flexible, I reduce peaks, but I still bring people into the city. You can’t keep people out, we need the workforce, the customers, the students, the visitors, but they don’t all have to drive into town between seven-thirty and eight.”

And they don’t all have to drive into town by private car, the mobility planner argues in favor of using public transportation. Fallast suggests creating an express bus lane on three-lane highways, “That would be an issue where the other two lanes that are congested realize that on the right the bus is going past them straight to Graz.”

Multimodularity will increase

However, Kurz Fallast is realistic about the possibilities of public transport: “If I live in Eibiswald or somewhere up on Seggauberg, then of course I need my car to get to the train. It’s not against the car, but multimodality will increase.” This means that several means of transport are used for one route in order to ultimately relieve urban traffic as much as possible.


Gardens, Uncategorized

Where there used to be only lawn, a low-maintenance plant bed has now been created. The diverse flowering perennials and grasses form a resilient and largely self-regulating plant community that adapts well to the often challenging conditions of urban environments in times of climate change or prolonged dry periods and heavy rain events. At the same time, they provide a diverse plant display that enriches this small, urban recreational space for visitors. More greenery (bio-volume) also provides additional cooling through evapotranspiration, which is very welcome in the city during the summer months.

Increased biodiversity In terms of biodiversity, an essential issue today, the plant community also contributes to increased biodiversity and provides new habitat for extremely important pollinator insects such as wild bees and others. The planting project will be monitored by biologists over the next 12 months, and the effect on insect diversity will be evaluated periodically. With this knowledge, we can continue to design urban green space more optimally in terms of biodiversity.



ZKW Lichtsysteme GmbH is a specialist for innovative premium lighting systems and electronics, which provides jobs for around 3,000 employees at its headquarters in Wieselburg. The planned expansion of the company on the area of the employee parking spaces is taken as an opportunity to implement a holistic mobility concept so that the accessibility of the company can be ensured in the future. In addition to motor vehicle traffic, all options for other forms of mobility are considered for handling commuter and business-related trips.

The following forms of mobility are being assessed:

  • Active forms of mobility (on foot and by bicycle)
  • Public transport (bus and train)
  • Multimodality (e.g. public transport-bicycle/foot, car-public transport)
  • Company transport (e.g. shuttle bus, minibuses)

In addition to measures relating to the various forms of mobility, other organizational measures, such as flexible forms of work (e.g. home office) or incentive systems for employees, are also being examined. Close cooperation with the municipality of Wieselburg enables effective solutions to be developed beyond the boundaries of the company.




Sappi Gratkorn produces 980,000 tons of high-quality double and triple coated paper annually, which is used worldwide. It is one of the most modern production facilities for coated fine paper and is located north of Graz.
The entire delivery of the required raw materials and the export of the produced goods is carried out via access gates on the southern side of the Mura River by means of trucks and the shunting of wagons.

The logistics concept examines, based on considerations about an expansion of production, the traffic situation outside and inside the plant.
Based on provided delivery data, the average traffic of one day could be converted to the created traffic network of the plant. Video surveys were used to collect data on internal traffic at key intersections and to estimate the capacity utilization.
Traffic counts were conducted in the vicinity of the plant to ensure performance on the surrounding road network in the event of a possible increase in plant traffic.