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In September 2024, the state of Carinthia published the action guideline:
“Flexible mobility in urban and rural areas: a micro-public transport strategy for everyone who wants to get around Carinthia sustainably”.
The strategy deals with demand-oriented transport and multimodal mobility. In view of the current challenges, the mobility turnaround is essential. This strategy provides a guideline for action that enables rapid and uncomplicated implementation.
The use of demand-oriented and flexible micro-public transport solutions significantly improves mobility services in rural areas. Dependence on private cars is reduced.
The basics and framework conditions of micro-public transport are presented in order to then provide a well-founded guideline for action with strategies, objectives and measures.
Further information can be found here:
You can download the full version of the strategy here:
Full version strategy
This strategy was developed by Dr. Albert Kreiner, Dipl.Ing. Hans Schuschnig, Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Putzl and Timotheus Zankl, MSc.
PLANUM was responsible for the technical support and revision: DI Dr. Kurt Fallast and Anna-Sophie Klamminger, Msc.
For queries: klamminger@planum.eu; fallast@planum.eu
PLANUM is currently continuing its research into micro public transport systems in our recently launched “INKOMOB” research project. The project “Inter-municipal cooperationto promote sustainable mobility patterns“ aims to strengthen climate-friendly mobility beyond municipal boundaries. More information will soon be available on our website.
The collage is based on a picture by Roman Kraft