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As part of the “Corporate Mobility” working group of the Austrian Society of Transport Sciences (ÖVG), a position paper was drawn up that outlines concrete measures for the challenges of corporate mobility. This paper will be submitted to the government and other relevant stakeholders.Eight key recommendations for action were formulated to make company mobility more sustainable and fit for the future:
- Tax-free mobility budgets
- Reform of commuter allowance
- Accessibility and parking space obligation
- Mandatory mobility management
- Strengthening car pools
- Extension job bike models
- Availability of e-charging infrastructure
- Raising awareness
The “Accessibility & parking space obligation” chapter was created with the expertise of PLANUM Fallast & Partner over the course of several meetings. In this way, we are committed to future-oriented corporate mobility. We hope that these recommendations will be implemented and thus contribute to achieving the climate targets and strengthening the attractiveness of Austria as a business location.
The full position paper is available here:
Rethinking corporate mobility: ÖVG working group draws up position paper – ÖVG